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The active ingredient in Cialis is Tadalafil, which is available as a generic medication. With its bitterness and high caffeine content, coffee. Cialis is a brand name of tadalafil, approved by the FDA in the following formulation(s): CIALIS (tadalafil - tablet;oral) Manufacturer: LILLY Approval date: November 21, 2003 Strength(s): 5MG , 10MG , 20MG ; Manufacturer: LILLY Approval date: January 7, 2008. 24/7 Online support, Absolute anonymity & Fast delivery. This is when a man cannot get, or maintain, an erect penis suitable for sexual activity. Impotence/Erectile Dysfunction (Ed) Rx required. Cialis is a modern medication for erectile dysfunction that acts fast and lasts longer. Tadalafil is the name for the active chemical ingredient in Cialis. Online Pharmacy: 24h online support. Try Cialis Daily Take a low dose everyday so you can be ready anytime. Cheapest drugs online - buy to save money! Buy Cialis Online Safely Buy Cialis Online Safely. Cialis Erectile Dysfunction Treatment. 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